Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Eighty Nine

This morning marked the release of yet another episode of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio. This time bodybuilder Irene Andersen visited the show and discussed everything from female muscularity to protein ice-cream. You can get to the episode by clicking here. On a more personal level, the entire day has been filled with home-related work. The entire evening will be the same, but tomorrow will be a day of rest. Looking forward to that!

Filled with protein, handy and good for the home-economy!


# Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Set 1: 20 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 37,4 lbs (17 kg)

# Upright Cable Row (Black Rope)
- Set 1: 20 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 99,2 lbs (45 kg)

# One-Leg Calf Press In Leg Press Machine
- Set 1: 20 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 132,2 lbs (60 kg)

# Workout Notes:
There was definitely no fuel in today's gym tank. Last night's sleep was poor, this day has been physically exhausting and I've had a bit of stress going on the past couple of days. There was nothing left but to cut things short. Perhaps the cold is still in this picture as well. Oh well, I live to fight another day!

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