Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Training Day Four

Today, I'm going to try something different. I've been doing this silly rehab training for four days and I can't imagine what the neighbors are thinking by now. Today, I used a 3 kilo heavy bucket of protein powder as my weight.

In any case, since I am doing the most unflattering exercises right now, I have decided to give them super awesome names, in order to make them seem really hardcore. To add to that, I've also entered all the names through the sloganizer website. The site will give you a random slogan for anything that you enter. Now, if this doesn't make my home-made rehab workouts look awesome, I don't know what will. So here goes - training from today:

That's all for now folks. Be sure to try out some Lateral Delt Raise of Doom, or maybe some Splinter Shooting Chest Flyes in the future!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Training Day Three

Yesterday was laid back. I had a walk and I didn't engage in any strength training. As I've already said a few times, my number one priority is getting some rest. But, that doesn't stop me from letting my body feel some resistance. So today was number three of training since the operation. And it featured:

- 4x16 Step-ups on stairs
- 3x16 Calf-raises on stairs
- 2x20 Triceps extension with a brick
- 2x5 Biceps curls with a bag of road salt
- 3x16 Front and lateral delt raises with a tool box
- 3x16 Chest flyes against some tree branches
- 3x16 Bent over rows with a brick

Training equipment for today... Who needs fancy machines?

I don't know if I should file this workout under the "hardcore" category or the "demented" one. But I'll continue on doing it until I can get back to the gym and do some proper training.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Training Day Two

Second day of training, and my third day since I had the operation. I'm feeling better and better, but I'm still very sore and I still walk rather funny to say the least (think Hunchback of Notre Dame).

Today my girlfriend and I drove to the gym. I made sure I was dressed light in order to not break any sweat beneath my girdle while doing my workout. As usual it's nothing fancy, it's just super light weights in order for my body to get somewhat of a resistance. Today's workout included the following exercises:
- 4x12 Step-ups (On each leg)
- 3x12 Calf Raises (Plain ground, leaning against the smith machine)
- 2x12 Triceps Cable Pushdowns (Had like 1 slide on the mag as weight)
- 3x12 Biceps Hammercurls (Was seated, used only 2 kilos)
- 3x12 Bent over dumbbell rows (Was using 2-4 kilos - really light)
- 4x12 Chest flyes (Gradually increased the weight, making sure my abs and back wasn't tensing up whatsoever through the exercise)

Me starting my workout with some Step-ups.

Adding some chest to the routine. Light weight!

That was about it. I'm really not working hard, and I'm not breaking a sweat at all. It's just super light weights and a lot of breaks where I cool myself off. As usual I take some amino acids before the workout and some Whey protein afterwards.

Take it easy everyone! I know I will - for now...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Training Day One

Right now I can't do any heavy training, I can't do any training at all really, but I'm trying to make the best of my situation. Woke up at 6 in the morning, took my vitamins and Omega 3, had some breakfast and went out for a walk. I'm currently walking like a 90-year-old due to the abs being sore and my skin being very tense. After finishing my walk I followed up with some "home made strength training" - rehab style:

- 12x6 Step-ups on Stairs (One leg at a time, standing up and setting my foot down again)
- 12x3 Calf Raises (On plain ground, leaning against a tree)
- 12x3 Chest flyes (Pushing the palm of my hands against the back of my girlfriends hands)
- 12x2 Front delt raises (Used some tools from the trunk of my car as weight)
- 12x2 Lateral delt raises (Same tools used again)
- 12x3 Biceps curl (Used my cooling bag and filled it with some moderately heavy things)
- 12x3 Bent over rows with chairs (Leaned forward a little, lifting the chairs up)

Biceps curl - Rehab style. A cooling bag filled with
some pasta. Not the coolest workout I've ever done!

It's not heavy, it's not cool, but at least it's something. I'm taking amino acids (EAA) before doing this routine. My aim is to let my body work against a little bit of weight in order to prevent muscle loss. However, my top priority right now is of course recovery and getting some rest - not training hard.

I'm doing most of the training outdoors in order to not break any sweat underneath the girdle I got wrapped tightly around my abs and back.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My first big step

Yesterday morning at 6:30 the alarm clock rang. I knew exactly what this meant. It meant I was about to get my operation. I packed my bags with some clothes, whey protein and some amino acids - never leave home without it! An hour later, my girlfriend and I was on the road, driving to the Hospital in Varberg.

A day later, with 1,3 kilos (2,8 lbs) of skin removed, here I am, sitting in my couch with a whole new belly. I'm rather sore at the moment, but that's a small price to pay in order to finally be able to sculpt my body the way I want to.

Day after operation. Tired, but still
grabing a shake with some amino acids.

My girlfriend, who is my number one supporter, was with me the whole way, making sure I had everything that I needed. She deserves a huge thank you - I love you baby! A few others, who also deserve a huge thank you, are the staff at the Hospital in Varberg. I've never been that well taken care of in my entire life.

This is my first big step towards getting the body I've been working so hard to achieve. A huge thank you to all of those who has wished me will in my journey. I'll be sure to post before and after pictures as soon as I feel ready. Until then, know that you're all incredibly awesome in my book!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Muscle Eggs: Fun with puns

Okay, so it was inevitable. I've been trying to keep myself from doing these egg puns too much. But all this locked up egg angst has to come out somehow. So, here it is, in its raw and pure form: Fun with puns!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Muscle Eggs: Eggstra baggage

Today's strip is a take on the suggestion that came up a while back where overweight flight passengers were supposed to pay extra for their seats. I call this: "Eggstra Baggage". Enjoy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The date is set: 21st of February

Yesterday I got the phone call I've been waiting for. The date for my operation is now set. 21st of February is when I put myself under the knife. After years of shaping my body and losing 67 kilos (148 pounds), it's now time to remove the excess skin around my abdominal area. It is the part of my body, along with each breast, that got most damaged from me being heavily overweight. As some of you may already know the breast operation is something I will have to fund myself. Therefore it's also uncertain at what point that operation will be a reality. Hopefully I'll find a way to get it done soon.

This was in my post box: A confirmation of what I already knew.

The letter inside: Containing a very important date in my life.

In any case, this date marks a beginning of a new journey. It will most certainly be filled with bumps and bruises, but that's the case of any journey. I know I'll make it out fine and get to where I want to be. I know this because I have the overwhelming will to succeed and the unconditional support that I need.

For those of you who want to follow me, you will be sure to see the whole process. I will thoroughly document what I'm going through and my hope is that I can continue on inspiring.

Picture taken a few weeks ago. It won't be the last photo of me at the gym!

A huge thank you to all of those who continuously visit my website and support my work. You are indeed an awesome bunch of people!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Muscle Eggs: Adult surprise!

Today's strip is about the things that goes on behind the scene at the bodybuilding shows. But, for the sake of good fun, we've "egged" it up a notch! I give you: Adult surprise!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

War of the Diets

Not too long ago there was a debate on Swedish television where various “celebrities” and nutritional advisors argued on the importance of diets that all featured varied content. This, of course, got noticed on two of the major Swedish training-oriented forums (BODY & Kolozzeum) and fueled even more debates.

On the BODY Forum I've replied and made a few posts that describe how I view it (under the name Doc), but I've decided to take it a bit further and extend my thoughts to the website. Keep in mind that when I discuss diets, I aim myself towards diets that concern people who are grossly overweight. I do not keep in mind individuals who are dieting to reach a perfect form for a competition, nor do I include people who diet to gain weight. Also, for the sake of argument, I may simplify somewhat to prove my point.

Why any kind of weight loss diet works
Any diet designed for weight loss will potentially work, given that you actually do what it tells you to do. For people who are concerned with weight loss, and who devote a fair bit of their time to learning more about the subject, it's clear that only one thing dictates if you lose weight: Spend more energy (calories) than you consume. To simplify, this means: Exercise more than you eat.
"...it's clear that only one thing dictates if you lose weight: Spend more energy (calories) than you consume. To simplify, this means: Exercise more than you eat."
What any kind of diet does is that it gives you the tools to either consciously or unconsciously control the amount of calories that you consume. For example: LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) is a diet that strictly limits you from consuming a major source of nutrients - carbohydrates. You consciously avoid a certain nutrient and thereby unconsciously control the amount of calories that you consume. A more conscious approach would be that which the Weight Watchers apply. They've created their own "calorie system", where each and every type of food has a number of points related to it. When following this system, you're only allowed to eat a certain amount of points each day. Essentially you are counting calories (in the form of points) and thereby consciously controlling your daily calorie consumption.

The issue with most diets: Short-term thinking
The way I see it, a huge issue with any kind of diet is that it mostly concerns itself with short-term thinking. For example, it's more important to lose X amount of pounds in X amount of weeks than it is to mold the new habits into your current lifestyle. It leaves us hanging when we've finally reached our goal (or desired weight). Some of us may find a way to incorporate the new diet into our lifestyle and it becomes something natural for us. But unfortunately many of us go back to our previous habits once we're through with the diet.

The fact that this happens is not very surprising considering it's often easier to plan and execute a short-term goal than a long-term goal. We manage this since we only have to endure a short-term goal for a short period of time - it requires less planning. Instead, it would most likely be more favorable if we were to change a habit with long-term thinking in mind. This would mean that we would have to endure it for a longer period. Through this we are forced to plan more throughly, keep the changes less drastic and adapt them to our everyday life - otherwise we couldn't live with them. In essence: Most of us can make a simple plan and endure a gruesome diet for three months, but very few could do so for a whole year.

Why people can't agree on which diet is the best
If there was a diet that guaranteed that you'd lose weight you'd probably follow it. And I've already said that any diet will potentially work if you follow it. So why are some of us overweight? The answer is that weight loss is more than just training and eating properly.

When we discuss weight loss we tend to only have one or two factors in mind: Training and Nutrition. The fact that we only concern ourselves with these two factors is further intensified by the fact that these discussions are normally carried within training or nutrition-oriented forums. The major issue here is that weight loss often involves so much more than just telling someone what to eat or how to train.
"For someone that is deeply engaged in a detrimental behavior, such as overeating, a diet without any psychological evaluation is about as good as telling an alcoholic to start drinking water instead of booze. Sure, you've told the person what he needs to do, but that's hardly what the issue is about."
Losing weight is no different from changing any other habit in your life. If we take an individual who over-consumes alcohol for example, I think most of us can agree that we can't just simply tell that person to "put down the bottle". In the same manner, we can't just simply tell someone who is prone to overeating to "stop eating". The problem is that this is essentially what a lot of diets do. They tell you what to eat and what not to eat. They do not account for any psychological factors that contributes to your behavior. They do not care about the reasons behind why you eat the way you eat and they rarely concern themselves with how you could integrate them in your current life.

So, again, why can't people agree on a certain diet? I've basically already given you the answer. Diets account very little for personality and individuality. They generally do not care about the reasons to why you are engaging in the habits that you currently are. Even if they do, they can't do it on a personal level. They are guidelines and they should be viewed as such. How often does someone - without having learned anything about you first - have a solution that fits you? For someone that is deeply engaged in a detrimental behavior, such as overeating, a diet without any psychological evaluation is about as good as telling an alcoholic to start drinking water instead of booze. Sure, you've told the person what he needs to do, but that's hardly what the issue is about.

Why I'm not overly excited about programs like Biggest loser
I'm a sucker for personal victories, and seeing someone proud of what they've accomplished gives me a great personal satisfaction. But, what I see as a problem is how shows such as Biggest loser somewhat simplifies reality. I'm all for giving people hope and I bet a lot of people see hope when they view the show. However, what some may not realize is that shows like that essentially remove most of the factors that may affect your bad habits. It's not hard to focus on what you should be eating and how you should be training if that's all that you have to think about. Normal life involves a lot of obstacles and issues that all affect our eating and training habits. If they are removed, losing weight becomes a lot easier. How many of us can actually simplify our lives to the point where all we have to think about is "how much weight have I lost today"?
"How many of us can actually simplify our lives to the point where all we have to think about is 'how much weight have I lost today?'"
Diet VS Physical Activity
I feel that I can't overstress the importance of viewing weight loss as more than just nutrition and training. But, at the same time, I don't want to paint a picture where anyone who wants to lose weight should hire a psychologist, a nutritionist and a personal trainer - or preferably all in one. I realize that a lot of us can lose weight without having to think deep and hard about why we do the things the way we do. A proof of this is the countless of people who actually have lost weight from using a specific diet without having any deeper knowledge about why they managed to quit their previous "bad habits". Therefore I'll talk a little about my personal view on initial weight loss.

For a second, let's put all the things I've just said aside. Let's go to extremes and only concern ourselves with training and nutrition. What I personally believe is that it's easier to dramatically increase the training dosage than it is to dramatically change your diet. Reason to why I say this is because increasing the training instead of changing the diet normally involves a lot less need of knowledge. To oversimplify: Not everyone knows how to eat "proper food", but most of us can go out for a walk.

Another reason as to why I prefer increasing the training dosage instead of changing your diet is because it does not interferer with social gatherings as much. Food, as we know it, is more than just something that we eat to stay alive. It's a way for us to interact with each other. If we deviate from social activities too much, friends and acquaintances tend to take notice. To put it simple: More people will take notice if we don't eat a piece of cake at a birthday party than if we decide to do a morning walk 7 times a week. It's also easier for others to take notice if we end up breaking our diet rather than if we simply stop training. Having others noticing our failures to follow through with a plan may affect our self-esteem. Even more so than if we were the only ones who knew that we failed.
"To put it simple: More people will take notice if we don't eat a piece of cake at a birthday party than if we decide to do a morning walk 7 times a week."
Again, I'm going to extremes here and in most cases it is a combination of both physical activity and changed nutritional habits that prevails. But I personally do believe that initially it's easier to increase the training dosage than changing your eating habits. However, simply increasing your training dosage can only take you so far.

There are so many factors that goes into losing weight, and only two of them usually comes to light: Nutrition and Training. We need to look at the whole picture and not narrow ourselves to simply these two variables. If you've found a diet that works for you and you want to share this with the world. Do so, but keep in mind that the steps you took might not work for everyone.

Also, be critical about why your diet works. Is it because the food you're eating really is the best food to eat, or is it simply because it happens to suit you and your personal lifestyle?

Links (Swedish only)
Swedish Television: Debate on Diets
BODY Forum: Thread on the debate
Kolozzeum Forum: Thread on the debate