Sunday, February 26, 2012

Training Day Three

Yesterday was laid back. I had a walk and I didn't engage in any strength training. As I've already said a few times, my number one priority is getting some rest. But, that doesn't stop me from letting my body feel some resistance. So today was number three of training since the operation. And it featured:

- 4x16 Step-ups on stairs
- 3x16 Calf-raises on stairs
- 2x20 Triceps extension with a brick
- 2x5 Biceps curls with a bag of road salt
- 3x16 Front and lateral delt raises with a tool box
- 3x16 Chest flyes against some tree branches
- 3x16 Bent over rows with a brick

Training equipment for today... Who needs fancy machines?

I don't know if I should file this workout under the "hardcore" category or the "demented" one. But I'll continue on doing it until I can get back to the gym and do some proper training.

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