Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My first big step

Yesterday morning at 6:30 the alarm clock rang. I knew exactly what this meant. It meant I was about to get my operation. I packed my bags with some clothes, whey protein and some amino acids - never leave home without it! An hour later, my girlfriend and I was on the road, driving to the Hospital in Varberg.

A day later, with 1,3 kilos (2,8 lbs) of skin removed, here I am, sitting in my couch with a whole new belly. I'm rather sore at the moment, but that's a small price to pay in order to finally be able to sculpt my body the way I want to.

Day after operation. Tired, but still
grabing a shake with some amino acids.

My girlfriend, who is my number one supporter, was with me the whole way, making sure I had everything that I needed. She deserves a huge thank you - I love you baby! A few others, who also deserve a huge thank you, are the staff at the Hospital in Varberg. I've never been that well taken care of in my entire life.

This is my first big step towards getting the body I've been working so hard to achieve. A huge thank you to all of those who has wished me will in my journey. I'll be sure to post before and after pictures as soon as I feel ready. Until then, know that you're all incredibly awesome in my book!

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