Yesterday I got the phone call I've been waiting for. The date for my operation is now set. 21st of February is when I put myself under the knife. After years of shaping my body and losing 67 kilos (148 pounds), it's now time to remove the excess skin around my abdominal area. It is the part of my body, along with each breast, that got most damaged from me being heavily overweight. As some of you may already know the breast operation is something I will have to fund myself. Therefore it's also uncertain at what point that operation will be a reality. Hopefully I'll find a way to get it done soon.
This was in my post box: A confirmation of what I already knew. |
The letter inside: Containing a very important date in my life. |
In any case, this date marks a beginning of a new journey. It will most certainly be filled with bumps and bruises, but that's the case of any journey. I know I'll make it out fine and get to where I want to be. I know this because I have the overwhelming will to succeed and the unconditional support that I need.
For those of you who want to follow me, you will be sure to see the whole process. I will thoroughly document what I'm going through and my hope is that I can continue on inspiring.
Picture taken a few weeks ago. It won't be the last photo of me at the gym! |
A huge thank you to all of those who continuously visit my website and support my work. You are indeed an awesome bunch of people!
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