Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cheat Day Twenty Eight

Today has been a good day. Started the morning, taking it nice and easy after doing my regular walk. We then proceeded to head to Hyllinge, where we graced the shopping mall with our presence. I bought some goodies for the evening and we had ourselves a big meal at our favorite buffet Khai & Mui!

A few goodies as well as the fondue items.

Almost ready for fondue!

Buffet food!

Evening pizza!

Morning home baked cookie!

Beef jerky is good stuff!

Good ol' Spongebob!

Nothing can go wrong with peanut butter!

Aaaaaaaand off we go: Buffet, 2000 calories. Home made cookie, 200 calories. Reese's NutRageous Bar, 260 calories. Chocolate balls, 200 calories. Beef Jerky, 80 calories. Pizza, 1500 calories. Chocolate fondue, 1000 calories. Take away two meals at a total of 772 calories and we and up at a total of 4468 extra calories for the evening.

Tonight we'll be watching the new Spider-Man movie. Hopefully we're in for a good ride! The chocolate fondue will certainly help!

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