Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Help Spread the Awesomeness contest is over...

...and the randomly selected winner is: James Gregory from Sheffield, England. A huge thank you for your support and congratulations on winning a first print of the new edition of the Bringing Awesome Back T-shirt.

This awesome piece of cloth is now on its way to England via mail package!

...to all of you who entered the contest and helped spread the awesomeness. The support I'm getting from you guys, and everyone else who is devoting time to following my journey, is amazing. I'm truly glad for every single comment and well-aimed thought!

More awesomeness in the future!
Oh, and don't get bummed out if you didn't manage to win a t-shirt this time around. More competitions and fun stuff will come in the future. Keep checking in, and most of all, stay awesome!

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