Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cheat Day Eighty Five

Last cheat day we celebrated my birthday, and this time we're celebrating my Dad's birthday. We've had an amazing day from beginning to end, starting with a cozy breakfast at Mom and Dad's and ending with birthday cake at the same place. In between those two occasions there was time for a lot of eating, as well as a visit to a restaurant. Here are the food pics!

Peanut butter toasts - They are a must!

Chocolate ice cream!

Pancakes and ice cream!

Chocolate egg and a cinnamon bun!

Starters at the restaurant!

Main meal at the restaurant!

Home made candy at Mom and Dad's!

Birthday cake!

Couple of late night sandwiches!

Some potato chips!

Ice cream cone before bed!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 5000+

# What's up tonight?
We now back home in the apartment and there's not much time left before we'll slip into bed. Right now I'm enjoying an ice cream and I think that'll be about it for me. Hope you all had an awesome evening folks!

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