Friday, May 31, 2013

Cheat Day Sixty One

A lot has happened the last couple of weeks, which resulted in this week becoming a really busy one. First of all, we've bought a new car due to the old one breaking down on the freeway. Secondly, I'm about to launch my very own podcast, where the first episode will hit you guys this upcoming Wednesday. Third, and last, this Friday included the exam that was the final one within my three year long Sports Science Programme. Due to all of this, today felt like a great time to celebrate!

Regular morning breakfast items...

Regular daily first meal...

A protein bar!

Okay, finally some real cheat food!

Brie cheees left overs!



Pizza with french fries!

More candy!

Chocolate ice cream times two!

Oh yes, the return of the fluff!

Time to get going!

Combining the fluff with chocolate ice cream... Oooh!

A few peanut butter toasts!


Some chocolate with crunchy corn inside!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 7000+

# What's up tonight?
There isn't much in store for the rest of the night seeing as it's getting late and that I'm beyond exhaustion. All that is left now is to slip deep into bed and enjoy a night of rest with my baby at my side. I believe that I've earned it.

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