Thursday, March 15, 2012

Training Day Eleven

Didn't have any time to enter my training yesterday. Directly after my workout I did some filming for the Krav Maga group at my gym. Due to that I wasn't home until 9 in the evening and I had to get up at 6:15 the next morning, so I decided to postpone it until today. In any case, yesterday's workout - which was Triceps and Hamstrings - was done as follows:

- 5x12 Seated leg curls
- 3x12 Alternated horizontal leg curls (while standing up)
- 5x12 Triceps cable pushdowns
- 3x12 Triceps dips machine

First exercise. Went fine, got a good pump in the hamstrings.

Did this one while standing up. I'm still limited
in my movement due to the operation.

Couldn't perform as well as would have liked to.
The abs engage if too much weight is being handled.

Ended with triceps dips machine. I forgot to take a pic with
my mobile cam. So this pic is from when I stopped cutting.

The workout was rather fluid. I did have some issues with not being able to train as heavy as I'd like to, but all in all it went pretty smoothly.

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