Sunday, March 11, 2012

Training Day Nine

Yet another training day with my old 5 split routine has past, and today, Chest and Biceps was on the menu - hooray! Unfortunately, just as yesterday's training was somewhat troublesome, I had a similar experience today.

Equipment used for today!

I was going to start out with some horizontal chest presses. However, simply laying down on the bench was a hassle, and getting back up, even more so. Luckily I got a helpful hand from a friend, and after giving it a second try I pretty much decided to scrap horizontal presses. In any case, the workout ended up like this:

- 2x12 Horizontal chest press machine
- 4x12 Vertical chest press machine
- 4x12 Chest fly machine
- 4x12 Biceps alternate dumbbell curls
- 3x12 Biceps barbell curls

The image says it all...

This was yet another day of tweaking at the gym. I'm starting to get good at this! Tomorrow I'll be resting, and the day after that I'm back at it - literally - since I'll be training back, trapz and forearms.

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