Sunday, March 4, 2012

Training Day Six

Today I actually got some gym training done. It wasn't any heavy weights, but it was at least slightly heavier than the bucket of protein powder I've been using so far.

I think the most satisfying was that I was actually getting to do some leg extensions rather than the usual step-ups. To add to that, I also got some chest presses done.

Today's training was done as follows:
- 4x12 Leg extensions
- 3x12 Leg curls
- 2x12 Calf raises
- 2x12 Bicep dumbbell curls
- 3x12 Chest presses
- 3x12 Triceps pushdowns
- 2x12 Lateral delt raises
- 2x12 Lat pulldowns
- 3x12 Bent over dumbbell rows

The lat pulldown was a complete failure. I could only have one plate on the mag in order not to have my abs and skin feel the resistance. Basically, I didn't get anything out of it. Lesson learned: Scrap lat pulldowns for now.

A nice change from the usual step-ups I have to do at home...

Also, I had some help on the leg extensions. The upper part of the movement was relieved by a friend holding my feet. This was done in order to prevent me from engaging any ab or lower back activity.

So far the healing is going really well. I can't wait to get some proper training done - and today wasn't the day for that.

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