Monday, March 19, 2012

Training Day Fourteen

Today was a good day. The sun was shining, biceps and chest was on the menu and I was in a good mood. Sounds like a good start? You bet it was!

Bringing Awesome Back - Day by day...

Here's today's workout: 
- 4x12 Dumbbell chest press
- 1x3 Dumbbell chest press
- 5x12 Cable chest flyes
- 5x12 Barbell biceps curl
- 3x12 Dumbbell alternate biceps curl

Everything went smoothly except for the last set of the dumbbell chest presses. I couldn't pull off more than 3 reps due to being exhausted from the previous set. Then again, it's really not about the reps, it's about getting the most out of each and every workout.

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