Thursday, March 29, 2012

Training Day Twenty One

Triceps and hamstrings - posterior muscles of the body, and the workout for the day. There isn't really much to say about this workout other than it went smoothly. The only thing I can point out, however, is that my mobile cam was placed awkwardly for each shot, so I didn't really get any good pictures. But then again, that's not what it's about.

Today's workout:
- 5x12 Horizontal leg curls
- 3x12 Stiff-legged deadlifts
- 5x12 Triceps dips machine
- 2x12 Tricpes cable pushdowns
- 1x12 Triceps cable pushdowns

Nice shot - I look like a ghost covered in flour!

The awesome camera work continues!

I almost made it into this shot!

Working out behind a huge bar - Awesome!

Nothing went wrong today except the camera work. It was a bit awkward doing stiff-legged deadlifts. I was afraid it'd take a toll on the abs, but surprisingly I had no issues with it. But then again, the weights were incredibly low.

Good workout, bad shots!

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