Friday, March 23, 2012

Training Day Seventeen

This day started with an early morning, heading off to the University to get some quality studying done. Straight after that I went by the gym for some delts and calves. Was a good workout, and the first one where I started to lift at least moderately heavy.

Workout for the day:
- 5x5 Seated shoulder press (Smith machine)
- 5x5 Lateral delt raises
- 5x5 Upright cable row
- 5x5 Seated calf raises
- 3x25 Standing calf raises

Started out super light and went up to heavy!

Tried having good posture and controlling the weights.

An exercise I'm always very strict while doing.

Time to let the calves get in on the fun!

These calf raises are the masters of muscle burn!

Last set of each workout was the heavy set. Weights were still light comparing to where I used to be, but significantly heavier than I've been able to do since the operation. I give this workout five bulging biceps out of five!

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