Monday, March 26, 2012

Training Day Nineteen

There's no getting around it, it's just plain fact, chest and biceps is the best training day of the week. Had a good workout today. I've started increasing the sets since yesterday's quad workout, which is the first muscle group in my 5-split cycle.

Today's workout was done as follows:
- 6x12 Bench press
- 3x12 Incline chest press machine
- 3x12 Chest fly machine
- 3x12 Biceps barbell curls
- 3x12 Alternate biceps dumbbell curls

Long time since I last benched.

Had a good couple of sets, with great focus, on this one.

Tried some tricks and got a real good pump here.

Some good old barbell curls.

Barbell and dumbbell curls - good stuff!

Great workout, nothing fancy. I love having a few more sets to play around with as a result from me stepping up my game. Tomorrow's either ending up with a back workout, or I'll take a day off. Will do a form check in the morning and go from there.

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