Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Radio Episode #19: Niklas Lovén | Bodybuilder & Ex-Race Car Driver

From bodybuilding to racing and back again, that's exactly what the guest for episode 19 of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio has done during his competitive career. Niklas Lovén is a man who is no stranger to the mental aspect of performance. Having competed in a sport that may result in life-ending consequences has enabled Niklas to find ways to beat the mental barriers that have been presented to him. This is our chance to learn more about the mind behind a competitive race car driver, as well as a bodybuilder.

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* 00:00 - Opening talk
* 06:04 - Niklas is introduced
* 06:17 - Niklas on his epiphany in the shower
* 08:19
- Niklas on losing interest in bodybuilding and starting his racing career  
* 10:22
- Niklas on differences in motivation in the beginning compared to now
* 12:35
- Niklas on what would make him lose interest in bodybuilding today
* 13:15
- Niklas on what drives him when he doesn't get the boost from winning
* 15:09
- Niklas on pressure during competition in USA compared to Sweden
* 16:05 - Niklas on motivating himself if he doesn't win
* 16:44
- Niklas on similarities between racing and bodybuilding 
* 18:26
- Niklas on working with Anna Skipper's husband, Olof Skipper
* 20:13
- Niklas on working with visualization prior to a race
* 20:50
- Niklas on important mental factors while racing
* 24:04
- Niklas on his dislike for cardio 
* 25:29 - Niklas on working with Bo Johnson and mental struggles 
* 28:33
- Niklas on goals and the Swedish mentality towards bodybuilding
* 31:38 - Niklas on irritation during a diet and responsibility towards others
* 33:48
- Niklas on his need for support from his family during a diet
* 34:27 - Niklas on when not getting to eat what you want is the most difficult
* 36:19 - Niklas on eating and training smarter
39:38 - Niklas answers 10 quick questions
* 43:40 - Niklas shares final tips from his own life experience
* 44:18
- Thank you Niklas!
* 45:29
- Final reflections
# Check it out!
Read what Niklas is blogging about:
See what Niklas is posting on Instagram:
Get in touch with Niklas on Facebook:

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