Sunday, February 2, 2014

Training Day Four Hundred Ninety Three

Today has included a cozy little trip for the both of us, but unfortunately the night has to end early due to work tomorrow. Yet again this will be at a new work place and I feel excited about having my first meeting with the colleagues. Good things are upon us... I hope!

Triceps pic at home after my workout.


# Front Leg Raises
- Set 1: 12 Bodyweight
- Set 2: 12 Bodyweight
- Set 3: 12 Bodyweight

# Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlift
- Set 1: 12 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
- Set 2: 12 20,9 lbs (9,5 kg)
- Set 3: 12 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
- Set 4: 12 31,9 lbs (14,5 kg)
Set 5: 12 42,9 lbs (19,5 kg)

# Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension
- Set 1: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 12 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 12 44 lbs (20 kg)

Lying One Arm Pronated Dumbbell Triceps Extension
Set 1: 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
Set 2: 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
Set 3: 15,4 lbs (7 kg)


# Workout Notes:
I'm continuing the theme of redoing the routines. I'm not doing it because I feel that it's optimal for my muscular development. This is simply all about long-lasting strategies - if I don't get to do what's fun right now, then I really don't see the point in continuing this journey. I guess, in a way, this is about muscular development after all. In the end, if I don't continue on doing what I love, then there will be no development at all.

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