Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cheat Day Forty Six

Due to a very long day with lots of fun as well as food, I'll make this entry a short one. Basically, the theme for the evening was candy. We took a tour to a little candy shop that was celebrating 10 years of service. We bought about 3 bags of candy there and took off to our favorite pizza place in Laholm. After that, we went home, had a cozy afternoon by the TV and proceeded to attend my cousin's birthday in the evening. Without any further delay, here are the pictures for the evening.

Morning pancakes and chocolate ice cream.

Chocolate and cookies... with chocolate!

Loads of candy from the candy shop!

More candy!

Kebab roll with feta cheese and regular cheese!

Birthday stew!

And potatoes!

All mixed together - pre-devouring time!

A small slice of birthday cake - I really don't like whipped cream...

Birthday fruit punch!

Birthday candy!

Home made chicken nuggets prior to bed!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 7000+

# What's up tonight?
Tonight, my cousin celebrated her birthday, which meant we were heading over there for a lovely evening of food and chit chat. Hope you all had an awesome Saturday folks!

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