Friday, October 18, 2013

Cheat Day Seventy Eight

The diet right now is getting more strict as I'm aiming for a harder and better form. The time in - and after - Vegas had me gain a few pounds, which felt good, but at the same time I don't like being too far away from my regular form. Hence, right now I'm keeping the cheat days in moderation. Nevertheless, there's still a few goodies on the table, and the food posted here is just the stuff that's not in my regular everyday diet program.

Pre-workout pastries!

Post-workout pizza!

Post-pizza desert!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 4500+

# What's up tonight?
At this very moment we've arrived home from Mom and Dad's. The evening has included some good eating as well as some good company. We're now ready for bed and it's time to say good night!

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