Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Radio Episode #16: Lars Östling | Bodybuilding Athlete

For the first time, in the year 2014, a brand new episode of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio has arrived. This time we're in for a treat, as Swedish bodybuilder Lars Östling visits the show. Lars has an impressive physique that's been on stage in Sweden as well as in the US, and he's known within the training industry as one of the more massive players. So, why not add another New Year's resolution to your list and tune into episode number 16? Say hello to our very own muscle demon, Lars Gunnar Östling!

Or use the Media Player further down!

* 00:00 - Opening talk
* 10:23 - Lars is introduced
* 10:31 - Lars on how he became Hellboy during Fitnessfestivalen 2011
* 11:18
- Lars on his drawing background and interest for comic books 
* 14:17
- Lars on the demands of the sport of bodybuilding
* 16:24
- Lars on what draws him to Exhale Gym
* 18:35
- Lars on getting help and helping others
* 21:16
- Lars on his poetic side and benefits of competing
* 23:08 - Lars on the strain of not being allowed to eat during diet
* 24:56
- Lars on dieting after a diet 
* 26:38
- Lars on having a coach during diet
* 27:53
- Lars on losing focus during diet
* 30:09
- Lars on having an obvious opponent during a diet
* 32:24
- Lars on benefits of being strict during diet 
* 35:59 - Lars on social support and media during diet 
* 38:37
- Lars on handing expectations prior and during competition
* 40:31 - Lars on his motivation during his current injury
* 43:55
- Lars on preparing for setbacks during a diet
46:19 - Lars answers 10 quick questions
* 54:12 - Lars shares final tips from his own life experience
* 57:09
- Thank you Lars!
* 59:23
- Final reflections
# Check it out!
Visit Lars' Website:
See what Lars is posting on Instagram:
Get in touch with Lars on Facebook:
Like Lars' Facebook Page:

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