Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bringing Awesome Back Goes Exhale Hardcore Gym

Yeah buddy! My girlfriend and I had an awesome weekend up in Gothenburg. The weekend was a celebration of sort, basically due to two things: a) my girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and b) she wanted to see a Backstreet Boys concert. Oh well, that's life, I did take her to see Alice Cooper. I guess we're even now. In any case, before heading home we decided to take a little detour and have a session at Exhale Gym. Luckily a few familiar faces turned up, so we decided on picking up the microphone and do a little reportage. Here it is folks!

Little photoshoot from the workout.

Don't you just love these two?

Follow the awesome people in the video!
Dennis Johansson: Facebook | Instagram
Aron Persson: Facebook | Instagram
Erik Andersson: Facebook | XXXLSweden
Sam Mikaelsson: Facebook | Instagram
Samir Troudi: Facebook |
Emma Bengtsson: Facebook | Instagram
Irene Andersen: Facebook |
Exhale Gym: Facebook |

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