Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Radio Episode #1: Alex Danielsson | Editor-in-Chief at BODY Magazine

The first episode of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio has arrived and it feels great to finally have it go public. The first guest is none other than Alex Danielsson, Editor-in-Chief at BODY Magazine. His name is known within the Swedish realm of bodybuilding and fitness. Many people, including myself, have been inspired by his awesome photography as well as his carefully laid words - all neatly presented to us each month that the magazine hits the shelves. As of June 2010 we've also had the opportunity to listen in on Alex, as well as his buddy Andreas, on BODY Radio, where plenty of Swedish athletes and other profiles within the training industry have been interviewed. Alongside with all the awesome work that Alex does, he's is also the sole reason as to why I had the opportunity to make my dream a reality and end up within the pages of BODY Magazine (click here). This is my chance to shed some positive light on the man behind it all. Thanks for the opportunity buddy!

Or use the Media Player further down!

* 00:00 - Opening talk about the show
* 03:09 - Alex is introduced
* 05:16 - Alex on being extrovert as a person or as an editor
* 06:40 - Alex on his relationship with co-worker Andreas Guiance
* 08:58 - Alex on going through a life crisis
* 10:20 - Alex on turning 50
* 12:41 - Alex on training at age 50 vs age 20
* 13:40 - Alex on how to train smart and avoid injuries
* 17:00 - Alex on his fascination with the human physique
* 19:00 - Alex on his motivation to work as an editor
* 21:15 - Alex on different ways to inspire people
* 22:30 - Alex on his contribution to his role as an editor
* 24:08 - Alex on what personally inspires him
* 24:28 - Alex on Kai Greene as an inspirational source
* 26:33 - Alex on bodybuilding not being a team sport
* 28:18 - Alex on differences between Sweden and USA
* 29:14 - Alex on American Magazines' impact on BODY Magazine
* 33:15 - Alex on handling superficial or fake people
* 35:08 - Alex on the importance of being important
* 36:41 - Alex on sharing other people's success
* 38:48 - Alex on being important in Sweden (Jantelagen)
* 40:46 - Alex on what motivates people to live the fitness lifestyle
* 43:31 - Alex on what helps people endure the fitness lifestyle
* 47:04 - Alex answers 10 quick questions
* 52:12 - Alex on Shawn Ray
* 52:37
Alex on Dorian Yates
* 53:14
Alex on Jay Cutler
* 53:52
Alex on Cedric McMillan
* 54:50
Alex gives clarity to the question: "Who is Edward Blom"?
* 58:28
Alex share final tips from his own experience
* 61:37
- Thank you
* 66:30
- Final reflections
# Check it out!
Read what Alex has got to say on Twitter:
Check out what Alex is posting on Instagram: 
Find out what Alex and his staff are blogging about:
Listen to Alex and Andreas on the BODY Radio Podcast:
Visit the official BODY Magazine website:


  1. Sjukt bra program, gav mig glädje och sporra mig ytterligare. Store eloge till dig Erik och blir alltid trygg när jag hör Alex i lurarna :)

    1. Grymt kul att du uppskattar det Dennis! Alex är en riktigt go människa, och utan tvekan det perfekta valet som en första gäst. Tack för att du lyssnar!
