Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Training Day Three Hundred Forty Two

It's been a long day with a lot of hassles - everything from car issues to health ditto. It was with slight stress and a troubled mind that I went to the gym this evening, hoping to get some much needed mental relief. Here's how the workout turned out!

Front pic taken in the afternoon prior to workout.


# Smith Machine Behind Neck Shoulder Press
- Set 1: 5 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 5 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 5 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 4: 5 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 5: 5 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)
- Set 6: 2 x 132,2 lbs (60 kg)

# Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Set 1: 8 x 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 20,9 lbs (9,5 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 4: 8 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
- Set 5: 8 x 31,9 lbs (14,5 kg)
- Set 6: 8 x 37,4 lbs (17 kg)
# Dumbbell 90/90 Standing External Rotation
- Set 1: 8 x 13,2 lbs (6 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
# Calf Raise Machine
- Set 1: 8 x Bodyweight
- Set 2: 8 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 4: 8 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)
- Set 5: 8 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)
- Set 6: 8 x 77,1 lbs (35 kg)
- Set 7: 8 x 121,2 lbs (55 kg)
- Set 8: 8 x 121,2 lbs (55 kg)
- Set 9: 8 x 143,3 lbs (65 kg)
- Set 10: 8 x 165,3 lbs (75 kg)
- Set 11: 8 x 165,3 lbs (75 kg)
- Set 12: 8 x 187,3 lbs (85 kg)


# Workout Notes:
This was a pretty lousy workout to be honest. Without going into details, there was a lot of unplanned breaks, as well as some confusion from my spotter. Basically, I'll have to lick my wounds and do better next time... and there are plenty of next times!

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