Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cheat Day Sixty Eight

It's yet again time for the most awesome day of the week. For those of you who follow the website, you know that my girlfriend and I are taking a trip to Vegas this upcoming September. Due to this, the summer is all about work, work and work. In order to have a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel, we decided to take a trip to Denmark and simply enjoy life as well as time together. Here are the food pics for the day!

Breakfast ingredients!


Chocolate 'n' brownie ice cream!

Dig in!

Toast with peanut butter, marshmallow fluff and banans!

All wrapped up!

Round two!

Ice cream on the boat to Denmark!

First meal in Denmark - KFC!

Big cone of soft ice cream!

First plate of a buffet!

Second plate!

Apparently awesomeness can be consumed through a can now!

They had really stocked up on awesomeness in the candy shop!


Bubbles gums!

An evening snack at McDonalds!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 7000+

# What's up tonight?
Since the entire day has been spent in Denmark, all that is left now is for two completely exhausted Swedes to hit the sack. Good night folks!

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