Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cheat Day Sixty Nine

To be honest, I'm all for an adventure, and usually we tend to go somewhere on our cheat day. This time though, we've had enough of walking, traveling and obligations. We're working a lot and we're also trying to do a lot when time for rest comes. Today, we both had to work up until 3 o'clock, and hence, we decided to have an easy going cheat day.

Chocolate mousse cake!

It's out!

Let the slicing begin!

Cake and bacon - perfect combo!

Peanut butter toasts, at least four of them!

Banana and coffee at work!

Had a chocolate bar in the car, well, kinda...

Time to buy new ones!

Some food at work!

An ice-cream cone for desert!

Evening pizza at home!
Pancakes with marshmallow fluff, butter and peanut butter!

Bag of potato chips for the movie!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 7500+

# What's up tonight?
There won't be much happening tonight except for us kicking back in our coach and enjoying a good movie. The pizza has just sunk in and it's almost time to go into the bag of potato chips! Enjoy your night folks!

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