Today is cheat day and it's also the day where my girlfriend heads off to play hockey with her team. Hence, I'll be home alone tonight. But, have no fear, I'll be packed with all kinds of yummy stuff that are guaranteed to keep me occupied as well as satisfied. In fact, I'm makin' scones (drop me an email if you want the recipe)!
Makin' scones - Step 1: Pour the ingredients into a bowl. |
Makin' scones - Step 2: Get down to business and mix it all around. |
Makin' scones - Step 3: Make a big ball of dough. |
Makin' scones - Step 4: Divide the big ball into three lil' balls. |
Makin' scones - Step 5: Hammer down the balls into plates. |
Makin' scones - Step 6: Make a cross in the middle of each plate. |
Makin' scones - Step 7: Fork 'em and hit the oven at 250 degrees Celsius! |
Makin' scones - Step 8: 10 mins of oven time and they look like this! |
Makin' scones - Step 9: Slice 'em open! |
Makin' scones - Step 10: Slab some peanut butter on 'em and enjoy! |
Yoghurt filled chocolate! |
Nougat bar! |
Evening chocolate and banana fondue! |
The usual! |
Let the calorie counting commence! Ritter yoghurt chocolate, 285 calories. Home made scones with peanut butter, 1213 calories. Nougat bar, 295 calories. Chocolate & Banana Fondue, 819 calories. Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie, 1050 calories. Take away a meal at 386 calories and we up at a total of 3276 extra calories for the evening.
Since I'll be home alone tonight, I'm gonna give the newest Batman movie a try (
The Dark Knight Rises). My girlfriend isn't too excited about Batman movies, so I figured this will be the perfect opportunity. So, with the company of my good old friends Ben, Jerry and Batman, I'll probably be alright.
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