Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cheat Day Fifty Two

Today is in fact a cheat day, but above all, it's the day where I went to Malmö to attend the Binais Begović BMR Grand Prix. Now, that is a whole other entry by itself, and as I've previously promised, I will give you guys a full report. But, for now, and as of tonight, I'm simple posting the usual cheat day stuff.

Subs for the day!

Peanut butter graham squares!

Pancakes, chocolate ice-cream and caramel topping.

All laid up!

White chocolate!

Had myself a couple of proteinbars as well.

And some pastries!

Evening dinner at Jensens - Here's the starter!


Ice-cream buffet!

Round two!

Topping to choose from!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 6000+

# What's up tonight?
The evening entertaintment was absolutely amazing. My girlfriend and I had booked us a table at Jensens Bøfhus in Malmö, which we went to after the BMR Grand Prix had ended. There, I had myself a yummy meal as well as an ice-cream buffet. Life is good right now!

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