Monday, November 4, 2013

Cheat Day Seventy Nine

Quite honestly, there isn't any time for cheat days right now. However, you just can't go zombie mode all the way through the diet without enjoying time as it passes by. So, instead of screwing the delicious food over, my girlfriend and I decided to have our cheat day right in the middle of all the hectic things going on. This meant less food than usual. But hey, at least we're doing something together.

A nice piece of chocolate!

Some American chocolate leftovers!

Evening taco dinner!

Chocolate ice cream for desert!

# Estimated Total Calorie Intake: 4000+

# What's up tonight?
There's really no time for anything but hitting the sack tonight. Tomorrow is another busy day and I need my sleep. So, take care folks and have an awesome week!

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