Thursday, November 28, 2013

One Limited Edition T-Shirt At Fitnessfestivalen 2013

On Friday my girlfriend and I will head up to Gothenburg, checking into a Hotel before we spend the weekend at Fitnessfestivalen 2013. This year, as opposed to the previous one, my very own podcast Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio will be there as well. Now, here's the fun part for you guys. One of you, namely the one who is the quickest, will get hold of a limited edition Bringing Awesome Back T-Shirt. Only 5 of these have been printed, and one of them has been given to Editor-in-Chief Alex Danielsson at BODY Magazine, while another one has been given to Swedish bodybuilder Eva Lagerhorn Blom. This will be the only T-Shirt out the 5 printed that will be owned by someone other than Alex, Eva and myself. So rest assure, that if you get it, you won't find anyone else that wears it. The T-Shirt is size XL!

Alex making Bringing Awesome Back look good!

So how do I get it?
Simply be the first one who finds me at Fitnessfestivalen 2013 and asks for it! It's as simple as that!

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