Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Fifty

Last calves session tore the muscle a lot. Today I've had a stinging sensation in the muscle, which resulted in me asking my girlfriend to give me a massage prior to starting the workout. When doing leg extensions, I'm noticing that the hamstrings as well as the calves are slightly stretched at the same time. I decided to play things safe and have her work her magic first.

The good thing about having a girlfriend who is a massage therapist!


# Leg Extension Machine
- Set 1: 50 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 2: 50 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 3: 50 x 44 lbs (20 kg)

# Incline Bench Crunches
- Set 1: 50 x Bodyweight
- Set 2: 50 x Bodyweight
- Set 3: 50 x Bodyweight


# Workout Notes:
I think it was a rather good idea to have my girlfriend work her magic prior to today's workout. There's no way to tell if anything would have happened otherwise, but when put between two options; a) skip 5 minutes of massage and risk injury, or b) do 5 minutes of massage without any issues occurring - I'll pick option b!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Nine

Still fine tuning things prior to Fitnessgalan, and at the same time, I have to make sure that everything runs smoothly at my regular work place. It really is exciting times right now, and I wish I had time to stop for a while an thoroughly enjoy them. But, it is what it is. Time to move on and make it happen!

...and a dirty one at that!


# Seated Dumbbell Lateral Delt Raise
- Set 1: 50 x 6,6 lbs (3 kg)
- Set 2: 30 x 11 lbs (5 kg)

# Face Pulls
- Set 1: 50 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)
- Set 2: 40 x 99,2 lbs (45 kg)

# Seated Calf Raise Machine
- Set 1: 50 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 50 x 33 lbs (15 kg)

# One-Leg Calf Press In Leg Press Machine
- Set 1: 30 x 22 lbs (10 kg)

# Workout Notes:
The burn that I had in my calves after the Seated Calf Raises was enormous. Not to mention the extra burn that came from the One-Legged Presses. You just gotta love the drive home after a session like this. The foot is trembling and the gas pedal is either at the bottom or at the top - nothing in-between!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Eight

It's been a long day and a busy one. Right now I'm finalizing my lecture that I'll hold at Fitnessgalan in Globen between 9th and 11th of May. Adding to that I'm also finishing my report for school and preparing for the next episode of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio. Time? I don't have enough of it!

No mater how stressful life gets, always find time to train!


# Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
- Set 1: 50 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 30 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)

# Standing Leg Curl In Leg Extension Machine
- Set 1: 50 x 10 lbs (4,5 kg)

# Cable Triceps Pushdowns
- Set 1: 50 x 20 lbs (9 kg)
- Set 2: 40 x 30 lbs (13,6 kg)
- Set 3: 13 x 40 lbs (18,1 kg)

# Behind Neck Dumbbell Triceps Extension
- Set 1: 25 x 8,8 lbs (4 kg)

# Workout Notes:
Good workout, good pump and a great addition to the motivation bank. I'm currently having a lot of awesome workouts at the gym, and I'm also feeling the muscle work just the way that it's supposed to. I know I've been going on and on about this, but it really feels that good. High reps are awesome right now. Period.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Seven

Things are closing in... fast! Not the next weekend, but the one after that, I'll be standing at the Globe doing my lecture on my transformation from past to now. For those of you who haven't heard about the event, it's called Fitnessgalan. It'll be a lecture that shares the good and bad that follows a drastic change in life. I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you guys there and I appreciate all the support you're giving me!

What's my Sunday like? Curling!


# Half-Range Stiff-Legged Deadlifts With Rotating Shrugs
- Set 1: 100 x 44 lbs (20 kg)

# T-Bar Row
- Set 1: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)

# Belly Backs
- Set 1: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)

# Behind The Back Cable Wrist Curls
- Set 1: 12 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 209,4 lbs (95 kg)

# Reverse Cable Curl
- Set 1: 20 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 77,1 lbs (35 kg)


# Workout Notes:
My back is killing me, and so is the copious amount of work that I've got in my life right now. It's a phase, so I'm definitely surviving, but it'll be a pleasant experience when it's all blown over. In any case, due to this, I'm trying to play things in a slightly more safe way than usual. Nevertheless, there were some increases on the weight department today!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Cheat Day One Hundred Three

This cheat day has been an awesome one. We started the morning with heading off to the supermarket, getting the breakfast items that we wanted. As a usual routine we've started to drive down to Mom and Dad's and have our breakfast there. Towards the afternoon we had something special on the agenda. My father-in-law celebrated his 70th birthday and had invited us - as well as plenty of family and friends - for dinner. It was a lovely time, and, we got back home in time for Gladiatorerna on TV4. Good stuff!

Lots of good stuff down the belly today!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Six

For those of you who keep up with the blog, Fitnessgalan is closing in and so are the lectures that I'll hold. Yes, I did write that in plural. Turns out that I'm not just holding one lecture, but three, on three different days. So for those of you who are in Stockholm somewhere between 9th and 11th of May, don't forget to go by the Globe and listen in on my lecture. The support you guys bring means the world!

Chest and biceps on a Friday night - you can't go wrong with that!


# Bench Press
- Set 1: 50 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 50 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 5 x 132,2 lbs (60 kg)

# Cable Chest Flyes
- Set 1: 30 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 2: 30 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 3: 30 x 33 lbs (15 kg)

# Barbell Biceps Curl
- Set 1: 30 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)


# Workout Notes:
This was the last workout of the week before going into cheat day. Once again I went for the short-timed workout with a high rep count. I was slightly uncertain as to whether that was a good idea or not considering that I've been feeling a copious amount of strain on the body lately. Nevertheless, the result in the mirror signifies "pay off". Good for now!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Five

I'm reflecting a lot on the past and how things have turned out. Unfortunately my journey has often been compromised by the lack of financial aid or time. I've never set our economy or health at risk in order to accomplish something that is solely for me. For me, that would not be the trait that I'd want to be defined by. For me, the more desirable trait is to keep on moving forward towards the goal, no matter how many obstacles you meet, and, no matter how many detours you have to take.

Quads of today are fat, but they're moving towards being "not so fat"...


# Hack Squat Machine
- Set 1: 50 x Sled
- Set 2: 50 x Sled

# Inner Thigh Adductor Machine
- Set 1: 100 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 100 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)

# Cable Crunches
- Set 1: 100 x 77,1 lbs (35 kg)


# Workout Notes:
Holy crap these high rep workouts burn. Until lately, I've pretty much never engaged in reps above 50. So it's no surprise that doing it at this point in my training career gives it an extra sting. The awesome part is that I'm starting to feel the muscle in ways that I've never felt it before. For those of you who wonder what the general idea is, I'm trying to keep the workout short and intense, but at the same time bring something new by lowering the sets in favor of more reps. It might be a stupid idea, but I'm feeling that this is what my body is needing right now.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Radio Episode #24: Aron Persson | Bodybuilding Athlete

A new episode of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio has arrived. Aron Persson is an athlete that's currently battling his way through the competitive scenes of bodybuilding. His struggles have put a strain on him as a person as well as his environment, testing his motivation to work hard and perform at a sport that challenges your physical being as well as your psyche. This is an open interview that discusses everything from effects on social relationships to trust towards the sport as a whole. Tune in today!

Or use the Media Player further down!

* 00:00 - Opening talk
* 03:16 - Aron is introduced
* 03:45 - Aron on why he travels from Uppsala to Gothenburg to train 
* 04:35
- Aron on why he thinks men are impressed by childhood heroes  
* 05:48
- Aron on his favorite Stallone movie
* 06:39
- Aron on why he got motivated by his lack of development
* 07:49
- Aron shares his view on when you're a bodybuilder
* 08:59
- Aron on not reaching finals at Battle of Scandinavia
* 10:10 - Aron on having a realistic goal and a dream goal
* 11:32
- Aron on the strains of bodybuilding compared to other sports 
* 12:03
- Aron on how having new goals help after competition
* 14:11
- Aron on why some jobs may be contra-productive during diet
* 17:15
- Aron on the balance between work and a competitive diet
* 18:42
- Aron on being a person that ignores his environment
* 19:46
- Aron on being open with your loved ones during diet
* 23:06
- Aron on being introvert  
* 27:42
- Aron on "truths" within the bodybuilding community
* 30:06
- Aron on becoming pro and potential career opportunities
* 31:51
- Aron on feeling questioned during diet
* 35:27
- Aron on counting calories as an abnormal behavior
39:11 - Aron answers 10 quick questions
* 43:20 - Aron shares final tips from his own life experience
* 43:40
- Thank you Aron!
* 44:51
- Final reflections
# Check it out!
See what Aron is posting on Instagram:
Get in touch with Aron on Facebook:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Four

Today has been a busy day and tomorrow will include the same. For those of you who haven't been keeping your eyes and ears open, tomorrow morning includes a brand new episode of Bringing Awesome Back Goes Radio. The guest on the show is bodybuilder Aron Persson. Also, another set of good news is that the exact time slots concerning when I'll hold my lectures during Fitnessgalan in Globen have been set. I'll reveal these shortly. But let's just say that you'll have more than one opportunity to catch me!

Muscle up crab style!


# Standing Military Press
- Set 1: 50 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 3: 5 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)
- Set 4: 2 x 132,2 lbs (60 kg)

# Seated Dumbbell Lateral Delt Raise
- Set 1: 30 x 6,6 lbs (3 kg)
- Set 2: 16 x 11 lbs (5 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 15,4 lbs (7 kg)

# Face Pulls
- Set 1: 50 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 50 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)
- Set 3: 30 x 99,2 lbs (45 kg)

# Seated Calf Raise Machine
- Set 1: 50 x 33 lbs (15 kg)

# One-Leg Calf Press In Leg Press Machine
- Set 1: 30 x 22 lbs (10 kg)

# Workout Notes:
The high reps continue and I'm finding this extremely exciting. Why? Because this takes me back to when I first started out. I'm starting to feel the burn that I had, the exhaustion that I experienced, and the feeling of being new and hungry to advance. I'm realizing that this might not work as I go further into the diet. But for now, this is awesome!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Three

The weather... I like the sun, but right now there's some sticky warmth going on and it's telling me that thunder and lightning is coming for a visit. What that does is that it gives me a headache. What that does for the gym is nothing but crap. I hate working out with a headache, not to mention going to work with one. But, then again, life doesn't stop because you feel that you need a break. Time to get rough!

...why are you so thin and tall?


# Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
- Set 1: 50 x 44 lbs (20 kg)

# Lying Leg Curls
- Set 1: 50 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)

# One-Arm Cable Pushdowns
- Set 1: 20 x 11 lbs (5 kg)
- Set 2: 30 x 22 lbs (10 kg)
- Set 3: 20 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 4: 10 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 5: 5 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)

# Workout Notes:
Due to various reasons I was stressed for time and had to cut things short. Lately I've been experimenting a bit with high amount of reps - today was no different. It's been ages since I did any rep count at numbers of 50. It felt great trying out a new experience and I can't believe how tired the hamstrings were, even if the sets were real low in volume. I'm definitely going to try this out while the diet isn't too straining. The longer I get towards the end of the diet, the less reps I'm going to do (in favor of a higher weight).

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty Two

Yesterday was an awesome cheat day and we had a good time from beginning to end. The morning started with a trip to the supermarket, getting hold of some food before heading to Mom and Dad for breakfast. We had ourselves a little Easter Egg Adventure before continuing our own personal adventure. Today is a day with both work and relaxation. The morning stood for most of the work, so hopefully the afternoon will be mostly relaxation. Good stuff!

Bringing Awesome Back... literally!


# Half-Range Stiff-Legged Deadlifts With Rotating Shrugs
- Set 1: 100 x 44 lbs (20 kg)

# T-Bar Row
- Set 1: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)

# Belly Backs
- Set 1: 12 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)

# Behind The Back Cable Wrist Curls
- Set 1: 12 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)
- Set 3: 11 x 209,4 lbs (95 kg)

# Reverse Cable Curl
- Set 1: 20 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 70,5 lbs (32 kg)


# Workout Notes:
This was definitely a workout for my lower back. The initial 100 reps of Half-Range Deadlifts made sure of that. As usual, the extra amount of food consumed by the cheat day, which preceded this day, resulted in a few good increases. I'm one happy camper, time to hit the road and enjoy the sunshine!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cheat Day One Hundred Two

It's Easter time and my girlfriend and I got ourselves a good ol' cheat day to look forward to. Easter is a festive time that's never really been big in my life. Although, as I've turned older, the festivities that surrounds it have become more and more cherished. It's a nice opportunity to get together, do stuff together, not to mention EAT stuff together. And let's not forget, what other seasonal festivity carries as much protein as this one? Happy Easter folks!

Happy Easter picture with eggs decorated by my girlfriend and I!

Some of the stuff consumed today!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty One

It's been a long day but it's coming to an end. The current work shift meant eleven hours and it felt good to be back home. Not because I don't like it at work, in fact, I love my work place, but because the diet is ticking and the body is tired. It may not come as a surprise that I'm looking forward to tomorrow's cheat day. And to all of you who read the site, have an awesome Easter!

Side chest pic taken at home after work and prior to my workout.


# Incline Bench Dumbbell Chest Press
- Set 1: 12 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 31,9 lbs (14,5 kg)
- Set 4: 12 x 37,4 lbs (17 kg)
- Set 5: 12 x 48,5 lbs (22 kg)
- Set 6: 11 x 54 lbs (24,5 kg)

# Lower Cable Chest Flyes
- Set 1: 12 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)
- Set 4: 12 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)

# Dumbbell Biceps Curl
- Set 1: 8 x 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 20,9 lbs (9,5 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)
- Set 4: 8 x 31,9 lbs (14,5 kg)

# Cable Biceps Curl (Rope)
- Set 1: 8 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 77,1 lbs (35 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)


# Workout Notes:
Late night workout after a hard days work. You'd think that it wouldn't result in much. On the contrary, the workout was awesome from beginning to the end. I guess the fact that I had Metallica pumping through the gym stereo, as well as the entire gym all to myself, did help a little bit. Awesome!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Forty

Today is a special day, it's my girlfriend's birthday. For those of you who don't know her, you may recognize her by the name Gumman ("my old lady") - which I frequently call her. She's an amazing woman and she's been at my side ever since day one. And for those of you who don't know, she's also on her very own weight journey. To this day she's lost more than 35 kilos (77 lbs) - check it out by clicking here! In any case, happy birthday baby! I love you!

Birthday girl in the car, ready to take off to the gym!

That's my baby and I, always supporting each other!


# One-Leg Leg Press
- Set 1: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 20 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 4: 20 x 169,7 lbs (77 kg)

# Inner Thigh Adductor Machine
- Set 1: 12 x 121,2 lbs (55 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 143,3 lbs (65 kg)
- Set 3: 10 x 165,3 lbs (75 kg)

# Decline Bench Crunches
- Set 1: 16 x Bodyweight
- Set 2: 12 x Bodyweight


# Workout Notes:
This was one of the shorter workouts in my entire training career. I wasn't really at my prime once I got to the gym, and there was no time to delay things as I have to work in the afternoon. Hence, things got cut short. I'll simply live to fight another day!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Training Day Five Hundred Thirty Nine

It's strange, time does fly. Today I've been looking through some of the old form check pictures and I realize that over a year has gone by since I took some of them. I remember them as being recent, and above all, I remember them as not being that far from my usual form. But that's definitely a misjudgment on my part. Nevertheless, it's an awesome feeling to see where I'm heading once again. Thank you Erik from the past, for showing me the way into the future!

Going back to my old form!


# Standing Military Press
- Set 1: 8 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 4: 8 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 5: 8 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)
- Set 6: 2 x 132,2 lbs (60 kg)

# Seated Dumbbell Lateral Delt Raise
- Set 1: 12 x 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 15,4 lbs (7 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 20,9 lbs (9,5 kg)
- Set 4: 12 x 20,9 lbs (9,5 kg)
- Set 5: 8 x 26,4 lbs (12 kg)

# Face Pulls
- Set 1: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 3: 20 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)

# Seated Calf Raise Machine
- Set 1: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 55,1 lbs (25 kg)

# One-Leg Calf Press In Leg Press Machine
- Set 1: 20 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 2: 20 x 66,1 lbs (30 kg)
- Set 3: 20 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 4: 20 x 115,7 lbs (52,5 kg)


# Workout Notes:
I was damn surprised by how good today's workout felt. I guess this must come from the fact that I've been getting a bit of extra sleep lately. Adding to that, I've also had a bit less stress in my life. The initial delt portion of the workout was especially good. As far as the calves were concerned, they did alright, but they weren't performing anywhere near the capacity of delts.