Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cheat Day Nine

For those of you who read today's training entry (found here), you know that today has been horrible. Initially - prior to spending the entire day at the hospital - we had decided to go on a trip and have a nice buffet. Things didn't turn out as planned though, hence, today's dietary deviation ended up completely different: a chicken roll.

In roll: Chicken, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, feta cheese, red onion and hot sauce.

Once again I'm not entirely sure how many calories this little baby contains, so it's just pure guessing from my point. I am putting this roughly at the 1000 calories area. It could very well contain a lot more or significantly less, but my guestimation will have to do for now. Frankly, with today in mind, I don't really care how many calories it contained.

Since this entry is written just prior to bedtime, the regular entertainment accompanied by the daily feast is already over. Today, however, involved no entertainment. It was pure disappointment from beginning to end. At the very least I got to eat something I enjoyed. Hopefully next cheat day will be a little less stressful.

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