Thursday, June 7, 2012

Training Day Seventy One

Had a pretty relaxed day up until I was about to head to the gym. Had to get my girlfriend to the doctor as she's got some pain in the back of her leg. It's sorted out now and hopefully she'll get better soon. Today's workout, however, was far from pain related.

Today's hamstrings and triceps workout:
- 5x8 Stiff-legged deadlifts
- 3x8 Seated leg curl
- 3x12 Standing one-legged cable leg curl
- 5x8 Lying EZ-bar triceps extension
- 4x8 Triceps cable pushdowns (V-bar)
- 4x8 Standing one-arm dumbbell triceps extension

Triceps pic taken at home after my workout.

Felt that my hamstrings were tired as I started my first exercise. The feeling continued, and, I finally decided not to stress the muscle too much. Most of the power outlet came when it was time for triceps, which was a really good workout. Tomorrow, it's time to get back to work. Looking forward to that!

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