Sunday, June 3, 2012

Training Day Sixty Seven

It's been an eventful weekend as my girlfriend and I headed to Gothenburg to celebrate our two years together. Friday was a day off from the gym while Saturday was time to do some damage. Found a gym nearby and finished off a delts and calves workout. After the workout, my girlfriend and I moved on further to Trollhättan where a party at her sister's was awaiting.

Saturday's delts and calves workout:
- 8x8 Calf raise (Smith Machine)
- 4x25 Calf raises (Plain ground)
- 6x8 Standing military press
- 6x8 Lateral cable delt raise
- 6x8 Low cable single arm bentover reverse fly

New city, new gym, didn't have time to take a proper pic (Taken post workout).

The workout was pretty solid. However, all the walking during the entire Friday had taken it's toll and I was pretty drained from it. I did the best I could and banged out a few good sets for each muscle. Feels good being back home and back to my routines. Next week I'm starting a new job. Should be interesting.

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