Monday, June 18, 2012

Training Day Seventy Nine

Today's workout can be summarized with one word: Awesome! I'm not sure what they put in my Sushi yesterday, but whatever it was, it's working. Gotta love those carbs!

Today's chest and biceps workout:
- 8x8 Incline bench press (Smith machine)
- 3x8 Seated chest press machine
- 3x8 Dumbbell flyes on bench
- 2x8 1x5 Standing dumbbell biceps curl
- 3x12 Biceps curl with super EZ-curl bar (Partial reps)
- 2x8 Standing bent over concentration curl

Side chest pic taken at the gym during my workout.

As the intro hinted today's workout was anything but bad. Had good energy from beginning to end and I felt that I could perform on both the chest as well as the biceps part. More of this, less of the opposite!

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