Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Training Day Eighty

This is one of those days where you start out with a headache, and you just know that it'll be with you for the rest of the day... and it has. Not the best start of the day.

Today's back, traps and forearms workout:
- 6x8 Lat pulldowns
- 3x20 Horizontal back extensions
- 3x8 Row machine
- 5x8 Standing dumbbell shrugs
- 3x12 Standing supinated barbell wrist curls (10 sec rest between sets - not dropping the bar)
- 3x12 Standing reverse biceps curl (10 sec rest between sets - not dropping the bar)

Back double biceps pic taken this evening (after my workout).

Today's workout was pretty decent considering the blistering headache going on in my head. The few sets for the back and the few exercises were due to me not wanting to stress my body any further. Had some really good reverse biceps curl sets though.

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