Friday, June 8, 2012

Training Day Seventy Two

Yet another day at work followed by a workout straight after. Had a fun time both at work as well as at the gym. I am, however, a bit tired. But I can't really complain when I'm enjoying myself.

Today's delts and calves workout:
- 5x8 Shoulder press (Smith machine)
- 5x8 Lateral dumbbell delt raise
- 5x8 Reverse fly machine
- 3x8 Seated calf raises
- 5x12 Calf presses on leg press machine
- 3x12 Calf raises (On a plank in the smith machine)

Calves and delts pic taken at home prior to my workout.

Started out with a moderately intense delt workout. In opposite of that, calves were done with pretty high intensity. For once I didn't go that high on the reps, but, I still managed to get a pretty good pump. Calves are slow and steady becoming a favorite workout.

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