Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Training Day Eighty Five

Yet another day at work followed by a workout later in the evening. I was already feeling a bit of tension in my lower back when I got home from work. Hence, my girlfriend gave me a massage before I headed off to the gym.

Today's back, trapz and forearms workout:
- 6x8 Cable row machine (Wide grip)
- 3x12 Back extensions machine
- 3x5 Chins (Supinated grip)
- 3x12 Bent over cable pullover
- 4x12 Barbell shrugs (Smith machine)
- 3x12 Reverse biceps curl
- 3x12 Standing supinated barbell wrist curl (10 sec rest between sets - holding the bar)

Lat spread pic taken prior to heading to my workout.

Had a pretty decent workout today. I was especially surprised during the bent over cable pullover, where I had some pretty solid sets that targeted the lats perfectly. The previous chins were pretty sloppy though. All in all a good workout.

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