This entry will be the start of a slight change in the training entries here on the website. Previously, due to time-issues, I've only entered the exercises and the usual sets and reps for each and every exercise. However, from now on - thanks to my lovely new smartphone - all training entries will include the amount of weight that I lift as well.
Triceps pose pic taken at home after my workout. |
# Seated Leg Curl
- Set 1: 8 x 50 lbs (22,6 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 50 lbs (22,6 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 80 lbs (36,2 kg)
- Set 4: 8 x 80 lbs (36,2 kg)
- Set 5: 8 x 100 lbs (45,3 kg)
- Set 6: 8 x 100 lbs (45,3 kg)
# Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
- Set 1: 12 x 88,1 lbs (40 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 110,2 lbs (50 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 132,2 lbs (60 kg)
- Set 4: 12 x 154,3 lbs (70 kg)
- Set 5: 12 x 220,4 lbs (100 kg)
- Set 6: 12 x 220,4 lbs (100 kg)
# Cable Triceps Pushdowns (Straight bar)
- Set 1: 8 x 25 lbs (11,3 kg)
- Set 2: 8 x 30 lbs (13,6 kg)
- Set 3: 8 x 40 lbs (18,1 kg)
- Set 4: 8 x 50 lbs (22,6 kg)
- Set 5: 5 x 60 lbs (27,2 kg)
- Set 6: 6 x 55 lbs (24,9 kg)
# EZ-Bar Incline Triceps Extensions
- Set 1: 12 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 2: 12 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 3: 12 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 4: 12 x 33 lbs (15 kg)
- Set 5: 8 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
- Set 6: 8 x 44 lbs (20 kg)
# Workout Notes:
Today's workout was pretty good. I did push myself a bit more than usual now that I keep track on the weights that I'm lifting. Not because I'm trying to impress anyone (because let's face it, I'm in no way lifting impressive weights), but rather because I now know what score to beat. If this is a good or a bad thing is yet to be discovered.