Sunday, August 12, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Eighteen

Today is cheat day... today is cheat day... today is cheat day. That's pretty much the only thing that's going on in my head right now. I'm exhausted from all the work I'm putting in and I'm just longing for some extra calories. That's the mindset that I had with me as left work and started heading home before I went off to the gym for today's workout - quads and abs.

Today's quads and abs workout:
- 4x12 Leg extension machine / Lying crunches (Supetsets)
- 4x12 Front squats / Cable crunches (Supetsets)
- 3x8 Leg press machine / Hanging leg raise machine (Supetsets)

Quads pic taken this afternoon (after work and prior to my workout).

While going through food menus (just prior to hitting the gym) I made a decision: Today's workout was supposed to be swift. The sooner I could get home and eat, the better. Hence, I made supersets out of the entire workout. Every exercise was part quads, part abs. The workout was quick, straining and right to the point.

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