Friday, August 17, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Twenty Two

Had a pretty calm morning before I headed off to work today. Got to say goodbye to some of my colleagues since it'll be my last shift this upcoming Sunday. After that it's back to the university once again. After work I took care of some personal stuff before I finally started heading towards the gym for my workout.

Today's delts and calves workout:
- 3x8 1x6 Seated dumbbell shoulder press
- 4x8 Standing one-arm dumbbell lateral delt raise
- 4x8 Bent over one-arm reverse cable flyes
- 4x8 Standing calf raises (On plank)
- 5x12 Seated calf raise machine (10 sec rest between sets)
- 3x12 Standing calf raises (In squat machine)

Front pic taken at the gym during my workout.

I got to the gym before it was opened so I had everything to myself today. Thanks to that I could take some time and snap a few pictures for my daily training entry in-between sets. The workout itself was pretty laid back. Had some decent weights, but nothing fancy. A good way to spend a Friday!

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