Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Twenty Five

Had a day of running errands today prior to heading to the gym. Started the morning with the usual walk, had my breakfast straight after and made my lunch boxes. After that it was off to Halmstad before I had to go to work. After work it was time for a back beating.

Morning Walk Time: 45,17 min

Today's back, trapz and forearms workout:
- 6x8 Lat pulldowns
- 3x8 Lat pulldowns (Supinated grip)
- 3x8 Cable row machine
- 3x12 Barbell good-mornings (10 sec rest between sets)
- 4x12 Vertical barbell rows
- 3x8 Barbell reverse biceps curl
- 3x12 Standing supinated barbell wrist curl

Lat spread pic taken this morning after breakfast.

I felt rather tired today - not physically so much as mentally. I think the somewhat lack of sleep last night was causing the issues. In any case, the workout didn't suffer too much and I got to do what I set out to do. Decent workout, nothing more, nothing less.

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