Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Twenty

Had a pretty laid back morning today. Breakfast was done early and I got to sit down for an hour with things just being all nice and quiet. Today's workout, however, had to be done in the morning due to me working the evening.

Today's back, trapz and forearms workout:
- 4x5 Lat pulldowns (Heavy-Duty Bar)
- 1x5 Chins
- 4x8 Standing cable bent over pullovers
- 4x8 Bent over barbell rows
- 4x8 Dumbbell shrugs
- 3x8 Reverse barbell biceps curl
- 3x8 Standing supinated barbell wrist curls

Back double biceps pic taken this morning (prior to my workout).

Today's workout started pretty good. I felt rather strong and full of energy. But I didn't get far in until I started feeling tired. The feeling of being drained slowly washed over me, especially during exercises such as bent over barbell rows. Adding to that I also have some issues with my lower back - most likely as a result of bad form during regular work hours. Gotta play it smart!

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