Friday, August 10, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Seventeen

I will be working evening today so I had to do my workout prior to that. Started this morning with breakfast before I headed off to University of Halmstad for a meeting. Drove by the postal office on the way home and picked up my drum pieces (they arrived yesterday). Hopefully I can start playing a bit this weekend. After that it was time for my workout.

Today's calves and delts workout:
- 6x12 Standing calf raises (On plank)
- 4x12 Calf presses in leg press machine
- 4x12 Seated calf raise machine
- 4x8 Barbell front delt raise
- 4x8 Cable lateral delt raise
- 4x8 Reverse fly machine

Front pic taken at the gym during my workout.

I had a quick and effective workout today. Mainly due to two reasons: 1) I'm rather tired from the escapades that went on the other day, and 2) I haven't got that much time to spend today. The theme for the evening was "slow and steady wins the race". That meant a lot of control and very little cheating. Good workout!

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