Sunday, August 5, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Thirteen

Have had a good day prior to hitting the gym. Started out by making my big bowl of lasagna for my cheat day. Other than that I've pretty much just been focusing on school stuff - I'm getting closer and closer to being back at the University of Halmstad. Back to normal routines and back to a less physically active everyday life.

Today's quads and abs workout:
- 6x8 Leg press machine
- 5x8 Leg extensions
- 2x8 Leg extensions (Drop-sets)
- 3x12 Cable crunches
- 4x8 Ab crunch machine
- 3x12 Incline bench side crunches

Quads pic taken in the mirror this very morning (prior to my workout)

One word for this workout: Awesome! I was blown away by the amount of power I was able to get out of me and I owe it all to lasagna... well, more or less. Today's workout was perhaps not the best technically, but in sheer power it was better than it's been in a long time.

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