Monday, August 20, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Twenty Four

Last night I had my last work shift for this summer. A relatively laid back night where I got to say goodbye to all the people I've come to meet. Today has been a calm day, well-spent with both my parents as well as my girlfriend. New for this training entry is that I'll be writing down the time spent on morning walk. As a result of not walking a lot at work I'll have to pick up these morning routines once again. In any case, today is chest and biceps... oh, and yeah, it's cheat day too!

Morning Walk Time: 47,38 min 

Today's chest and biceps workout:
- 5x8 Bench press
- 3x8 Flat bench dumbbell chest press
- 4x8 Bent over cable chest flyes
- 3x5 Dumbbell biceps curl
- 3x12 Barbell biceps curl
- 1x8 2x12 Concentration curl machine

Side chest pic taken this morning after breakfast.

I felt full of energy as I entered the gym, which is pretty obvious considering the carbohydrates I had going on prior to getting there. Today is cheat day after all, and you have to make the best of it. The power was good and the energy level was at a constant high. Nothing felt too hard and I had no issues targeting the proper muscles.

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