Thursday, August 16, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Twenty One

Had a short work day today, which gave me some time to relax once I got home. Checked my email and did the usual stuff before I packed my bag and headed towards the gym.

Today's hamstrings and triceps workout:
- 5x8 Lying leg curl machine
- 4x8 Seated leg curl machine
- 3x8 One-legged lying leg curl machine
- 3x5 Dips
- 3x8 Dips machine
- 3x8 Cable one arm pushdowns

Triceps pic taken at the gym during my workout.

Today was a pretty good workout - both physically as well as mentally. I felt strong, and that I had a lot to give. The seated leg curls were a bit sloppy, especially on the last couple of sets. Other than that, things were solid.

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