Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cheat Day Six

For those of you who've been following the site today, you know I just took away 91 calories from the diet. I'm celebrating that by adding about a 1000 calories on a single day. Good for me! Now, as you might know, the previous cheat day I visited my good ol' friend McDonalds. Therefore, all in the name of fairness, today's cheat day was spent at Burger King.

Burger King Tag Team: Piñata Tendergrill, Hot Cheese Dip & Hot Brownie

For those of you who haven't heard about the Internet (which is weird considering you're reading this), you can find some pretty useful stuff there. In the case of my cheat day, I've found all the nitty gritty details about the content of my burger and stuff. So, here's what today's cheat meal will contain: Piñata Tendergrill Burger (554 kcal), Hot cheese dip (85 kcal) and a Hot Brownie (325,7 kcal). That brings us to a total of 964,7 calories. That's 35,3 less than my 1000 calorie limit! I'm sure someone out there, reading this, is really proud of me right now!

In the usual cheat day manner, tonight's entertainment will be a movie of sort. What genre of movie that will be is yet a mystery. However, one thing is certain; it won't be a drama movie (male readers can start clapping their hands now).

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