Sunday, May 20, 2012

Training Day Fifty Eight

It's been 3 months since I had my operation and they removed 1,3 kilos (2,8 lbs) of excess skin (read more about it here and here). Due to that very fact I've not trained abs during a single workout. Today, however, I decided it was time to introduce the abs to some moderate stress.

Today's quads and abs workout:
- 3x8 Step-ups on bench
- 5x8 3x12 Leg extensions
- 3x8 Squats (Smith machine with a bench beneath my ass)
- 6x16 Cable crunches

Quad pic taken this morning.

God I love cheat day! And that's exactly what awaits me tonight. With the thought of numerous calorie rich choices circling my head, there was no issues with motivation this day. The quad session was absolutely amazing and the abs part was decent. Opposite to what I normally do I started out some isolations exercises (leg extensions) before I finally did my squats. Due to exhaustion I carried out my squats in the smith machine with a bench beneath my ass - just in case I'd drop down all of a sudden. Afterwards I did my first ab workout (post operation). I didn't push myself any way - just some pretty easy 12 rep sets..

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