Friday, May 18, 2012

Training Day Fifty Six

This is officially the 100th entry on the website! I'm not entirely sure how to celebrate that. But, I did hand in my first draft of my b-level essay today and got some well-deserved rest as a result of that. Adding to that I also had an awesome workout. I'd say that's a pretty good start!

Today's triceps and hamstrings workout:
- 5x12 Seated leg curl
- 6x8 Horizontal leg curl
- 5x8 Seated french press (Triceps bar)
- 3x12 Triceps cable pushdowns (horizontal bar)
- 3x8 Triceps cable one arm pushdowns (One hand handle)

Posing pic taken at work prior to heading to the gym.

Most excellent triceps workout today. For once I used the triceps bar in order to do some french presses. I was continuously controlling the weight on the eccentric phase while exploding on the concentric phase. The hamstrings part was pretty decent as well, but I'm still trying to fiddle around with different angles.

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